Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Figure 1 "Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2012. http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1.

Figure 2
"Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2012. http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1.

Figure 3
"Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2012. <http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1>.


Works Cited
"Animal Organ Transplants Debated by Doctors." National Geographic. National Geographic Society. 04 Dec. 2012 <http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/06/0606_wireorgans.html
"Eight Ethical Objections to an Organ Market And Why They Are Wrong." Eight Ethical Objections to an Organ Market  And Why They re Wrong by Stephanie R. Murphy. 04 Dec. 2012 http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig6/murphy-s2.html.
Gallagher, James. "Animal transplants coming 'soon'" BBC News. 21 Oct. 2011. BBC. 04 Dec. 2012 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-15385648.
"Social Impact: Animal Parts for People?" Social Impact: Animal Parts for People? 04 Dec. 2012 http://science.education.nih.gov/newsnapshots/TOC_Xeno/Animal_Parts_/animal_parts_.html.
Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Organ donation: Don't let these myths confuse you." Mayo Clinic. 03 Apr. 2010. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 04 Dec. 2012 http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/organ-donation/FL00077.

"THE NEED IS REAL." Organdonor.gov. 04 Dec. 2012 <http://www.organdonor.gov/index.html>.
"Transplanting Organs From Animals To Humans: What Are The Barriers?" ScienceDaily. 28 Mar. 2007. ScienceDaily. 04 Dec. 2012 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/03/070327094800.htm.
"Using Animal Organs for Transplantation into Other Animals." ASPCA. 04 Dec. 2012 <http://www.aspca.org/About-Us/policy-positions/using-animal-organs-for-transplantation-into-other-animals>.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

One Life, For the Life of Another

Animals are abused everyday due to animal cruelty. Each day, humans die from organ failure. Many scientists believe that when a human organ is failing, it is logical to replace it with the organ of an animal. These animals do not have a fair shot at life. They are killed for their organs, and for what? To save the life of a human. Yes, human lives are important but by taking away the life of another animal is selfish and cruel. Considering the research done on animal organ transplants for humans, many humans do not live a substantial amount of time longer. Some people get diseases from the organs that are given to them during the transplant and it is uncertain that the transplant will even save the recipients life at all. There are other ways to solve the problems due to human organ failure, crossing the organs of different species is not the answer. Organ transplants provide a second chance at life, for someone in need, the donor of the organ is their hero. Organ donors sign up to donate their organs after they have passed away, which does not infringe upon their everyday life. By taking the organs of animals against their will, humans are stripping away the rights of these animals. These innocent animals, cannot refuse to be killed. They cannot argue their way out of the situation. They cannot defend their life. By definition, humans are animals too, by taking their lives away for our own health, we are being nothing but selfish. The organ shortage is taking the lives of many yet we all fail to see the simple solution.

Disease can spread throughout the body of animals, making them carry illnesses around everywhere they go. Some scientists are considering the fact that many of these disease carrying animals could pass on these diseases to humans if the organ they chose is from a diseased animal. Diseases from pigs, and other animals, could start a plague across the nation, from a transplant that could have been given by an organ donor rather than an animal. What is the point of saving a human life for three days, when in the end they will die from a disease and even spread the disease to others.

There is never a guarantee. Organ donations from animals to humans are not guaranteed to be successful after the transplant; neither are organ donations from one human to another. The difference is that human organ donors have their organs removed after they have passed away; they are not killed for their organs. Animals however, will be killed for the organs they are currently using to survive. By beginning to kill innocent and voiceless animals, we are setting the stage for disaster. People will soon begin to kill animals for their organs, who do not have the authorization to do so and will sell the animal organs for a profit. Killing these animals is not the solution.

Many people believe that using animal organs to save the lives of humans is a positive investment. Human lives have been saved by using animal organs for a short period of time while a patient waits for the organ of a human to become available. However, in most circumstances, after an organ transplant is done from an animal to a human, the human often lives for a few extra days and then passes away. Taking the lives of these animals to prolong human life for about three days is not practical. National Geographic argues both sides how it could be a potential way to save the lives of humans yet could also do more harm than good. By taking away the lives of animals to save human lives, whether for a long or short period of time, strips them from their rights. Animals do not have a voice and cannot stand up for their own lives; morally, by taking away their life without any consent, we are doing them an injustice. If we do not speak to protect these animals, no other species can. Rather than use the organs of animals, people should raise awareness about how to become an organ donor and the need for it. Many people refuse to donate because there are many false myths persuading them not to become donors. By raising awareness of these issues, more people will become organ donors and the lives of patients who are in need of an organ will be much more likely to be successful.

Removing the organs of innocent voiceless animals to save the lives of humans is not only an unfair injustice but a dangerous act that may or may not even be a success. Taking away the lives of these poor defenseless animals is not the solution. We have a voice, the animals do not. We must act now and take a stand on this growing epidemic and find a way to stop the cruelty to animals. By raising awareness about organ donors, we can save the lives of many people across the nation and stop the cruelty.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Animals Don't Have A Voice

There are many people across the nation that are in need of an organ donations. One would think that organ recipients would be given human organs to replace their failing organs. However, recently scientists have explored the idea of introducing animal organs to the human body. After much research many scientists have found this to be a possible solution to organ failure. What many people fail to realize is the cruelty behind the operation. Animals do not have the option whether or not to be an organ donor for these people and are not giving a fair chance to live. These animals are killed to possibly have a chance at saving a human life when that life is not even guaranteed. The lives of these animals are taken away without question and often times do not save the recipient for a substantial amount of time.